Holistic Skincare

Your skin is the largest organ of elimination – acting as a barrier, protecting you from the elements and housing your organs. By taking good care of your skin, you improve your overall health, not just your appearance.

What is Holistic Skincare?

Traditional medicine treats skin issues like they exist in a vacuum. Dermatologists prescribe creams and pills that treat symptoms, but they rarely offer cures. 

The body is an interconnected system, and the skin is part of it. Holistic skincare focuses on treating the entire body in order to cure or mitigate specific skin concerns. 

That’s why, as a naturopath, I approach every skin concern like a detective. The skin is our largest organ of elimination, so it often gives us hints when something goes wrong elsewhere in the body. 

Acne is often a sign of hormonal imbalance, while rashes can be a sign of auto-immune disorders or allergies. I examine clues, order testing, and make connections to understand what’s really happening inside your body. Once I understand the underlying causes, I can treat your body, to improve the functioning of your skin as well as what hides beneath it.

Common Skin Conditions

My patients are diverse, as are the concerns they have regarding the health of their skin. I can help you deal with any of the following skin conditions: 

  • Acne 
  • Dry Skin
  • Rashes
  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Hives
  • Rosacea 
  • Many more 


Sometimes, your skin can feel dull or lackluster even if you’re not suffering from a particular skin condition. The holistic approach of treating the skin from the inside out can still help give your skin a boost! 

Nutrition and Skin Health

What you eat has a big impact on the health of your skin, for good or bad. As part of my practice, I usually discuss each patient’s diet to get an idea of what they eat on a daily basis.  

This often helps me pinpoint if specific foods are having a negative impact on your skin. It’s also possible that your skin issues are caused by a nutritional deficiency or disruptions in your gut microbiome. 

After a consultation, I usually order a series of labs and tests to gauge whether you have any allergies, intolerances, or nutritional deficiencies. Through this informed approach, I can recommend the correct dietary changes and supplementation to improve the look of your skin as well as your overall health. 

Hormones and Your Skin

With certain conditions, hormonal imbalance plays a huge role. 

Overproduction of androgen, the male hormone, often results in excessive oiliness and acne. In fact, acne is often one of the signs that a woman is suffering from PCOS!  

Excessive dryness can also be a sign of hormone imbalance. It’s a frequent symptom of menopause but it can also be a sign of significant issues like thyroid imbalance. Dry skin can be tight and uncomfortable, and it’s often prone to irritation, so it definitely merits treatment. 

Through testing, I can figure out whether you are dealing with hormonal imbalance, and exactly which hormones are at play. That way, I can help you come up with the right strategies to regulate your hormones. The treatment can include dietary changes, hormone-regulating supplements, and lifestyle modifications.  

Natural Skincare Guidance

Treating your skin from the inside out takes priority. But, as part of my practice, I can also consult you on your topical skincare routine. Skin care products are often filled with unnecessary additives and synthetic chemicals that may harm your health, so I’m happy to direct you towards natural products that will complement your holistic treatment. 

Book Your Holistic Skincare Consultation

Are you ready to find out what your skin is trying to tell you? Schedule your consultation, and I’ll help you get to the root cause of your skin concerns.

Together, we can banish them for good