Birth Control for PCOS: What Naturopaths Recommend

PCOS and birth control often come hand-in-hand. Maybe you’ve had this experience: First, your doctor diagnoses you with PCOS, and then you’re immediately recommended birth control pills as your first or even only line of treatment.  Or maybe you’ve had the reverse experience: You’ve been on birth control since your teen years. When you come […]

What Are the 4 Types of PCOS?

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a complex health condition that affects millions of women all over the world. The cause of PCOS isn’t clear – in fact, it’s a bit of a chicken and egg situation. With a lot of PCOS comorbidities, we don’t know if they’re the root cause or a symptom. That uncertainty is […]

How to Get Rid of PCOS Belly Fat?

You may have heard the term “PCOS belly” thrown around in PCOS communities. Maybe you’ve looked down and thought to yourself, “Is this what I’m dealing with?”  If you’d like a better understanding of what a PCOS belly looks like, what it is, and what you can do about it, this post will explain.  Before […]

Holistic Skin Care Tips for Healthy Skin

In naturopathy, beauty isn’t only skin deep. The appearance of your skin is intrinsically tied to a lot of different processes that happen deep within your body!  From a health perspective, how your skin looks and behaves is actually an important signal of what’s going on inside you. That’s why, when it comes to holistic skin […]

5 Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones

Is your body behaving strangely? Maybe your menstrual cycle is off, your skin is acting up, or you’re feeling unusually tired. Hormonal imbalance can affect the body in a lot of different ways. Thankfully, finding a way to regulate it doesn’t have to require medications that make you feel odd. In fact, the principles of naturopathy […]

How to Lose Weight With PCOS ?

Figuring out how to lose weight with PCOS can be quite difficult. On the one hand, those with PCOS are more likely to struggle to lose weight. On the other hand, maintaining a healthy weight often also helps mitigate other PCOS symptoms. It can even prevent some of PCOS’ worst health outcomes, like diabetes and […]

PCOS and Hair Loss

If you have PCOS, hair loss is a common symptom. While it’s not the worst physiological symptom, it can take a serious toll on women’s self-esteem and mental health. As a naturopathic doctor, it’s important that I always treat the whole person. This means I never ignore the concerns that other medical professionals might dismiss […]

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Diet Do’s and Don’ts

You can manage your PCOS incredibly effectively just by controlling how you eat. Fundamentally, the best PCOS diet is simply a healthy diet that consists of balanced, wholesome, low-glycemic index foods.  Eating a variety of foods rich in fibers, proteins, vitamins, and minerals and low in sugars, refined carbs, and highly-processed fats is guaranteed to […]

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and Pregnancy

For women living with PCOS, pregnancy is a fraught topic, but it doesn’t have to be.  Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (shortened to PCOS) is a condition where the ovaries produce more androgens than normal for the average woman.  Androgens are the male sex hormones. It’s no surprise that many women wonder whether getting pregnant with PCOS […]

PCOS: Impact of Sleep, Nutrition, & Exercise on Hormone Balance Health

As with most things in life, external circumstances can have a significant impact on our health.  Some of these outside influences are beyond our control, but there are those that we can have a say in.  Certain lifestyle factors are within our grasp and making conscious daily decisions to focus on wellness is as important, […]